*Note: No offense meant to anyone It all started when Phyn Ping and An Shi said that I looked like a multiracial person. There were some other stuff that led to this topic between some of us in class, including Helen saying that she's a mix between Korean and Indian, Jocelyn's oh-so-purple things and so on. During bookkeeping class, we were discussing about...
Guess what? Yes, I'm officially 16, according to the post title. Mini quiz: When is my birthday? hint- take a look at the right sidebar, under the "about me" section Since my birthday was on a Monday, I got to celebrate it all over the weekend! Great, right? To start it off, we went out after my piano class on Saturday :D this...
Yes, I know it's been almost a week since the event. Yes, I know I'm a little behind schedule. Yes, I should try to get my blog updated ASAP next time. Anyway, back to the topic, my school organised a cross-country race for the house teams. The teams are according to colors. So, you'll see a field of people wearing different colored shirt....