等一个人咖啡。 Cafe.Waiting.Love.


So, this will be a dual language post. (OK, now it sounds like a TV audio choice)
It's a first for my blog though!
The reason I want to do this is because the movie Cafe.Waiting.Love is a Chinese movie so I'd like to post in Chinese too. For an English translation, please scroll down.

由于《等一个人咖啡》是部中文片,我会以中文为主 :3 但还是简体字啦不好意思。


我真的很少看中文电影。但预考过后我们这班人就跑到了附近的电影院去看《等一个人咖啡》,我本来虽然不怎么想看这部电影 (我还想看别部之前还没看的电影)但为了跟随大众我只好去看这部电影。
之前问了看过这部电影的朋友,她们都说很好看而且很搞笑。我就因为“搞笑” 这形容词而进去看了。


虽然说这部电影跟小说里的情节不完全一样(看了小说的朋友说的),但如果把它完完全全当作一部独立的电影而不是小说改编的电影的话.. 我真的觉得这部电影很值得一看


这部电影是讲述一位女大学生李思萤(宋芸桦)到一家名为 “等一个人咖啡” 的咖啡厅打工后的故事。她在那里认识了阿布思(赖雅妍),一位什么特调咖啡都能做得出(又很帅)的拉子。

在咖啡厅里,她知道了等一个人咖啡的老板娘及咖啡厅背后老板(张立昂)的故事、找到了喜欢的男生... 结果发现他不是想象中的普通..




I'm not usually a huge fan of Chinese movies. This movie, however, is an exception. It is a romantic comedy if you are wondering about the genre. I was reluctant at first but I couldn't pass up on a comedy and of course, my friends are all crazy about it so I've decided to give it a try. The cinema was full of students from my school that day. Familiar faces all around.

So anyway, back to the movie. Cafe. Waiting. Love is a movie based on one of Taiwan's best-selling author, Giddeon's novel of the same name. The plot of the movie is quite different from the one in the novel, so says my friend who read the novel. If you look at it as an individual movie, I think that it's pretty awesome.

Cafe. Waiting. Love is about a university student Li Si Ying (Sung Yu Hua), who found a part time job at a cafe named "Cafe. Waiting. Love". She met A Bu Si (Megan Lai), the barista of the cafe who is a remarkably handsome tomboyish girl and also the lady boss (Vivian Chow).
She also met a guy who likes to make ridiculous bets with his friends and often ended up looking silly, A Tuo (Bruce).

《等一个人咖啡》玉女斗艳 周慧敏赖雅妍狂飙戏

After a month, she found out about the tragic love story of the lady boss and the boss (Marcus C). Since then, the lady boss would just sit by the cafe window and is trapped within her memories of the boss.

Even though the story is a little teary, there's a lot to be laughed at, since it is a romantic comedy. Taiwanese actors like Pauline Lan and Lee Luo have hilarious scenes too.

Many of my friends went for a second round of the movie and they love it so much. So, even though you are not a huge fan of Chinese movies, you could try this movie as it is both funny and a little teary (actually, more on the funny part).

In short, it is an awesome movie.

-pics Googled-

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